The Canadian National Day of Podcasting Is December 1st

Nov 4th, 2010 | By | Category: Audio Podcasting

The first Canadian National Day of Podcasting Is December 1st, notes Canadian podcast pioneer Mark Blevis:

December 1 has been selected as the one-time, no money down officially unofficial Canadian National Day of Podcasting.

The idea is to have every Canadian podcaster, particularly those who have retired or otherwise killed their podcast, from all time dust off their gear and show to produce a one-off episode in the style they made their own.

Oh… and you don’t need to make a big deal of it. That is, don’t acknowledge why you’re producing the show (the Canadian National Day of Podcasting), just do it.

Remember, when you make the media….the Canadian National Day of Podcasting is as official as you want it to be.

See Blevis’ site for details.

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One Response to “The Canadian National Day of Podcasting Is December 1st”

  1. Mark says:

    Thanks for helping to spread the word. The important thing for Canadian podcasters to remember (especially those that are inactive) is this is not a commitment to routine production. This is a one-of festival like reunion.

    If you know any Canadian podcasters who are AWOL, please encourage them to participate.


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