Ask A Ninja Intros iPhone App
May 1st, 2009 | By James Lewin | Category: iPhone, Video Podcasts
Pioneering video podcast Ask A Ninja has introduced a $1.99 iPhone app, I Am Ninja (App Store link) that lets you be a ninja and use your ninja skills to survive.
It’s also got some smart social media features, letting you watch the latest Ask A Ninja episode and submit questions to the Ninja.
You are a lone Ninja facing a land overrun with pirates, zombies and evilized ninjas. You must use the ninja skills of quick reaction, dexterity, strategy, and love of KILLING to survive the never-ending onslaught. Dead them before they dead you.
Aim using your device’s accelerometer and shoot by tapping the screen.
As in real life, some enemies will require more than one shot, so pay attention to the blood! You’ll start off with a virtually unlimited supply of good old fashioned blowdarts, but you’ll need better weapons to survive for long.
Thankfully there’s a Ninja Store, but it ain’t cheap. You’ll get cash based on the # of points earned per level. Increase your points with overall accuracy and with the consecutive-shot multiplier. After clearing a level, you will be given an opportunity to play a mini-game to earn even more cash. Then, go shopping.
Buy killer weapons like the Ninja-Q (fire arrows), the Triple Death (3 darts fire at once), or Da Bomb (Da Bomb!).
Each level becomes more difficult, so use your weapons well and spend your money wisely…and don’t get shot! Your Ninja has 8 hearts and you’ll lose one each time you get hit. You can buy more hearts, but trust me, real Ninjas prefer to spend money on weapons that kill their enemies in painful, deathy and utterly entertaining ways!
This game is AWESOME! The people who worked on this have some serious skills.