A Slightly Scary ‘Moth’ Podcast For Halloween Listening
Oct 30th, 2009 | By Elisabeth Lewin | Category: Audio Podcasting, Podcast Quickies Nonprofit storytelling organization The Moth has a simple little podcast story for Halloween that, while not in the slightest bit explicitly violent or gory, manages to be scary. Scary in that way that makes the little hairs on the back of the neck stand up, you know?
Writer and performer Joan Juliet Buck tells the story of the days as an American in Paris, and her beautiful — and creepily haunted — apartment in the Rue Jacob. She conjures no graphic images, just uses her narrative to conjure up the suggestion that, perhaps, some unseen malevolent force is lurking. The episode is brief, and a little unsettling. Definitely worth a listen.
“The Ghost of the Rue Jacob” episode is one of a podcast series of performances put on by The Moth, a nonprofit dedicated to preserving the art of storytelling. The group has eight different kinds of programs, but many follow the example of their mainstage program, in which five or six storytellers who tell a ten-minute story. The stories are true stories from the storytellers’ lives and they must be told live, without notes.
The feed for the full podcast series is here.